The white flower trusses of Rhododendron catawbiense 'Chionoides' have yellow centers, and are held above the green-leafed compact plant in May. Mid to late spring. Bloom Time: Spring. Each blossom contains a yellow blotch, adding a nice contrasting touch. It definitely is noticeable among our other rhodi's. English Gardens, Dearborn Hts, MI. Rhododendron ‘Chionoides’ (H-2) Common Name Chionoides Rhododendron. © Baumschule NewGarden 2020 - Alle Rechte vorbehalten, Rhododendron Hybride 'Chionoides' / Rhododendron 'Chionoides', Pflanz- & Pflegetipps für Rhodendron / Azaleen, Abkürzungen (m.B., m.Db., Solitär, C20...), Versandkosten, die im Angebot ausgewiesen werden, Großstrauch, aufrecht und breitbuschig, gut verzweigt und kompakt, bis zu 300 cm hoch und ähnlich breit, Immergrün, elliptisch, am Ende zugespitzt, leicht nach oben gewölbt, ledrig, sattgrün, 8 bis 15 cm lang, Weiße Blüten mit gelber Zeichnung, leicht duftend, bis zu 5 cm groß. Spread 3-4 Feet. Large, rounded, clear white flowers with a yellow blotch bloom in mid to late spring. A compact, evergreen shrub with purple Winter foliage. Comments: White, dome trusses cover the plant each season. UPC. Free rhodo consultation : Login/signup : Shopping Cart cart(0) Home; RhodoClub; SHOP. Rhododendron preptum has flowers oblique-campanulate shaped, cream white, tinged pink, with small blotch in throat. Add to Collection. Category: Shrub. This reliable bloomer produces large trusses of white flowers late in the spring. Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Chionoides Rhododendron. Rhododendron Hybride 'Chionoides' / Rhododendron 'Chionoides'... Bevorzugt lockere, durchlässige, feuchte und saure Untergründe. Bloom Time: Late Midseason. Sun: Full Shade. Its compact, dense form is wider than tall, growing 4' tall and 4-6' wide. This stunning example of the many rhododendron varieties holds three very important aspects that any gardener can appreciate. Fragrant: No. Size. C'est une excellente variété au port arrondi et régulier et feuillage vert mat. En stock : 125. We offer Chionoides 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container. RHODODENDRON 'Chionoides' quantity. This beautiful Rhododendron is low growing, compact, wide spreading and quite vigorous. Mid to late spring. Ideal for foundation planting, natural settings, hedges or as a single specimen. Rhododendron x 'Cunningham's White' ¤ 14,30 € Rhododendron 'Docteur Albert Schweitzer' Voir les détails. Variety or Cultivar 'Chionoides' _ 'Chionoides' is a dense, rounded to spreading, evergreen shrub with broadly lance-shaped, dark green leaves and, in mid- to late spring, dense clusters of funnel-shaped, white flowers with a prominent, bright yellow flare. Chionides grows well in USDA zones 5-9 and thrives in partial sunlight or shade. Rhododendron catawbiense 'Chionoides' Rhododendron - Catawba. Each blossom contains a yellow blotch, adding a nice contrasting touch. Bewertungen werden nach Überprüfung freigeschaltet. Plants can benefit from protection (burlap wrap) against drying, winter winds and sun in an exposed location. The leaves are pointed on the end and very flat. Dec 8, 2012 - Rhododendron (large-leaf) 'Chionoides'--full sun to part shade--matures at 12ft tall--zone 6--This cultivar or species has been selected as a "Proven Performer" by the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society and performs consistently well in … Auf der einen Seite verweisen wir an diesem Punkt auf die Pflege- und Pflanztipps, wo Sie zahlreiche Informationen zu Pflanzzeitpunkt, Pflege, Bewässerung etc. It's carefree and dependable. Height: 3-4′ Spread: 4-6′ Zone: 5. Versandkosten, die im Angebot ausgewiesen werden und ggf. FREE SHIPPING (6) Wilson Bros Gardens Gift Card. It has dark green foliage. More Info. Ours is in full shade and stands up to summer heat very well. Chionoides Chionoides. Ends from. Venue Address . Ends from. Some of the hybrids are fragrant. Medium growing evergreen shrub with dark green, slender foliage. Important properties. Buy now online at RhodoDirect. Although this Rhododendron shows its best colors in spring, the soft evergreen foliage adds color and texture year-round. Clusters of white, trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow centres. Dieses aufrecht, kompakt wachsende Gehölz erreicht gewöhnlich eine Höhe von 0,9 - 1,2 m und eine Breite von 0,9 bis 1,2 m. Ein halbschattiger (bis schattiger) Standort und ein humoser, kalkfreier Boden schaffen optimale Bedingungen für ein gesundes Wachstum. In May - June, White (Yellow centers) Find Other Plants Like This: Rhododendron (Rhododendron; Azalea)> Other Rhododendron (Rhododendron; Azalea) Find More: Location Map for Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Ponticum Hybrid Rhododendron: MAP HELP . Price. The glossy narrow leaves remain dark green throughout the winter. Comments: White, dome trusses cover the plant each season. Le Rhododendron x ’Chionoïdes’ a une belle floraison blanche à coeur citron vert en avril-mai. Rhododendron* 'Cunnimghm s White' Voir les détails. It has dark green foliage. SHOW LARGER MAP > 5 Plant Locations Were Found. Zoning: 4-8 Mature Height and Spread: 4-6’ Related products. Die Rhododendron 'Chionoides' (Rhododendron) bringt von Mai bis Juni ein wahres Meer aus weißen Blüten hervor. A common rhodi frequently found at big box stores in the spring, which is where we got ours. Rhododendron 'Chionoides' bildet von Mai bis Juni zahlreiche trichterförmige, in Dolden angeordnete, weiße Blüten. Rhododendron Rhododendron. Bloom Season: Late Mid- Season. Düngen: Im Zeitraum von April bis August. FREE SHIPPING (10) Edgeworthia chrysantha - Paper Bush - 3 Gallon. Stunning clusters of white trumpet-shaped flowers in mid-spring. Add to quote. PJM. Rhododendron Chionoides. Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Type: large blooming hybrids: Flowering colour: white: Flowering time: early-mid May: Height: up to 150 cm: Speed of growth: slow growth: Colour of the leaves: dark green: Foliage quality: evergreen: Flowers with macula: yes: Winter hardiness zone: 5b: Growth-form: broad conical : This wide-growing, somewhat squashed rhododendron has fairly narrow, pointy leaves. 5-2012 *English Gardens, West Bloomfield, MI. Rhododendron 'Chionoides' This wide-growing, somewhat squashed rhododendron has fairly narrow, pointy leaves. Rhododendron Chionoides-bullet proof rhodo will handle harsh places-white flowers and yellow centre. This stunning example of the many rhododendron varieties holds three very important aspects that any gardener can appreciate. Find out how this tried and true selection that has been grown in our region for a … Category: Rhododendron. Bloom Color: White. Can be pruned after flowering to control size and shape. Compact, dense form is wider than tall, with excellent even growth habit. Buy now online at RhodoDirect. WRHODCHN. Alternativ bieten wir auch eine umfangreiche Pflanz- und Pflegeanleitung zum Download an, die Sie nachstehend herunterladen können. Rhododendron ‘Chionoides’ WRHODCHN. Height: 4 Feet. Rhododendron 'Chionoides' (Rhododendron) by mgarr Aug 22, 2009 2:42 PM. Um Baumschule New Garden in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren. SessionCookies). White flowers in late Spring. Description. Chionoides Chionoides. This plant is suitable for the low temperates below: Temp (F) Zone. See more ideas about showy flowers, rhododendron, azaleas. Gelbe Blätter bei Rhododendren sind ein Zeichen für zu hohen Kalkgehalt im Boden. Versandkosten. 5-2012 *English Gardens, West Bloomfield, MI. En stock : 12. Ich habe die Spread 3-4 Feet. More sun tolerant than most other Rhododendrons. Description Description. English Gardens, Dearborn Hts, MI. Foliage Description / Plant Habit: Compact, broad, dense plant. The fruit is not ornamentally significant. Large, narrow, dark green foliage cloaks the upright, rounded form. The foliage is a glossy, dark green colour. Shop by Size. The glossy narrow leaves remain dark green throughout the winter. It is a perfect choice for an informal hedge or foundation plant. Fragrant: No. Good sun tolerance. Its compact, dense form is wider than tall, growing 4' tall and 4-6' wide. Any pruning should be done soon after flowering to ensure bud set. Die Rhododendron 'Chionoides' ist gut frostverträglich. The glossy narrow leaves remain dark green throughout the winter. Flower/Truss Description: Flower openly funnel-shaped with deeply cut lobes, 2¼" across, white with yellow flare and purple-red edge, 15-16 flowers in 5" truss. Learn about where you can plant it and how it will bring GORGEOUS glowing white color to brighten up woodland gardens, shady corners, foundation plantings or mixed beds and borders. Plant Size: see below Price: $25.00 Quantity: Plant Size : View Order. Tolerant of sun and cold and used extensively in areas many other rhododendrons would not fare well. Jun 24, 2017 17:00 PT (Jun 25, 2017 1:00 BST) Date Format. Abhilfe schaffen Eisen- und Magnesiumdünger. English Gardens, Dearborn Hts, MI. Diese Cookies helfen uns zu verstehen, wie Besucher mit unserer Webseite interagieren, indem Informationen anonym gesammelt und analysiert werden. For every bud growing on a Chionoides Rhododendron, a dozen pure white flowers bloom in perfect unison! Flower/Truss Description: Flower 1⅜" to 2" across, white with brilliant yellow dorsal blotch. gesetzl. Plant Height(potential in 10 years): Four Feet. 5-2012 *English Gardens, West Bloomfield, MI. RHODODENDRON 'Chionoides'( Catawbiense Group) Plant Common Name. Rhododendrons require constant moisture (but not standing water), a fertile soil with a low pH and grow best in partial shade. More sun tolerant than most other Rhododendrons. White flowers in late Spring. It has dark green foliage. Botanical Name: Rhododendron 'Chionides' Common Name: Chionoides Rhododendron; Flower Color: White with yellow centers; Height: 4 Feet; Width: 5 Feet; Season of Bloom: Mid-Spring; Light Preference: Part sun - Part shade; Hardiness Zone: 5 - 8; Subscribe to Our Newsletter. 50% OFF 'Chionoides' features a dense, broad form and bears sizable white flowers with yellow throats against attractive, narrow leaves. Early purple flowers. Plant Size: see below Price: $25.00 Quantity: Plant Size : View Order. Aug 12, 2020 - White rhododendrons and azaleas to add to your garden. Compact and wide growing with long, light green foliage. The flowers are relatively small, pure white with a yellow macula.… Read more. Ich habe die Datenschutzbestimmungen zur Kenntnis genommen. FREE SHIPPING (13) Climbing Hydrangea 'Petiolaris' - 1 Gallon Pot. zzgl. Telefonische Beratung unter: 02862 - 700 207 Montag - Freitag: 08:30 - 12:00 Uhr 13:00 - 17:00 Uhr, * Alle Preise inkl. The flowers are relatively small, pure white with a … Rhododendron Lemon Ice-Fantastic bullet proof white with yellow blotch will take extreme conditions-Buy now online at RhodoDirect. 'Chionoides' Catawba Rhododendron. Tolles Zierelement, das einzeln oder als Gruppe überzeugt. White Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Bid Venues Auction #28: Quality Tools DEWALT, MAKITA, HILTI, BOSCH, MILWAUKEE, JET Equipment, Plants, Lumber, Home & Office, Shop & so much more. Shop by Size. Attributes & Uses • Naturalizing: Exposure • Partial shade • Full shade: Foliage Color • Green: Habit • Rounded: Season of Interest (Flowering) • Spring: Season of Interest (Foliage) • Summer: Soil Moisture Preference • Average: Height 4-5 Feet. Search and ad results are shown based on factors such as relevancy and (for … Can be pruned after flowering to control size and shape. The fruit is not ornamentally significant. Rhododendron micranthum 'Bloombux® Nugget', Bäume aus bester Schule. inkl. zur Kenntnis genommen. Broad, round truss holds 12-18 flowers. See item details. It has white flowers with a yellow eye and distinctive long, narrow dark green leaves. Chionoides is an evergreen shrub that boasts stunning white flowers, each complete with a bright yellow dorsal and a speckling of golden yellow on the petals; it is more commonly known as Lemon Ice. Rhododendron "Fragmantissium" The most fragrant rhododendron. For every bud growing on a Chionids Rhododendron, a dozen pure white flowers bloom in perfect unison. Hardiness Zone: 5 to 9. Planting: Plant your White Rhododendron in an area that receives full to partial sunlight (3 to 6 hours of sunlight) and in well-drained soil. Many of the species here are beautiful plants with showy flowers. Mature Height: 4' Mature Width: 6' Flower Season: Late spring. FREE SHIPPING (16) Emerald Green Arborvitae Spiral Topiary - 5 Gallon Pot. It is compact, wide growing and vigorous. gesetzlicher MwSt. Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Genus. Schneiden Sie zurückgefrorene Triebe bis in das gesunde Holz zurück, sobald keine Frostgefahr mehr besteht. Rhododendron Chionoides - White Blooms with Yellow Blotch - Will Grow to Four Feet - #2 Container Size Plant - Hardy to -10 F. Sold See item details. Attributes & Uses • Naturalizing: Exposure • Partial shade • Full shade: Foliage Color • Green: Habit • Rounded: Season of Interest (Flowering) • Spring: Season of Interest (Foliage) • Summer: Soil Moisture Preference • Average: Height 4-5 Feet. The glossy narrow leaves remain dark green throughout the winter. Details/Description: White with yellow eye. En stock : 41. Tried and true and a favorite in landscapes. Rhododendron 'Chionoides' Chionoides Rhododendron is an early to mid May bloomer with large, rounded trusses each holding a dozen or more clear white bell-shaped flowers with yellow dorsal blotches. SKU: rhododendron-chionoides Categories: Evergreen, Flowering, Plant Catalog, Rhododendron, Rhododendron, Shrubs. Previous Next. It is a moderate grower at 4-6" a year and very hardy with no wind/cold damage so far. Gießen Sie diese Pflanze nur mit kalkfreiem Wasser. Jun 24, 2017 17:00 PT (Jun 25, 2017 1:00 BST) Date Format. The broad dense plant is easy to grow and has attractive narrow foliage. Similar items on Etsy (Results include Ads Etsy sellers promote their items through our paid advertising platform alongside organic search results. HEIGHT: 125-150 cm. Common Name: Chionoides Rhododendron; Flower Color: White with yellow centers; Height: 4 Feet; Width: 5 Feet; Season of Bloom: Mid-Spring; Light Preference: Part sun - Part shade; Hardiness Zone: 5 - 8; Subscribe to Our Newsletter. A planter en sol acide bien drainé ou en terre de bruyère, de préférence à mi-ombre (mais tolérance au soleil si le sol est frais). Spread: 5 Feet. Mit ein paar kleinen Tipps und Tricks kann man Gartenpflanzen einen optimalen Start am neuen Standort geben. Jetzt Rhododendron Hybride 'Chionoides' / Rhododendron 'Chionoides' günstig kaufen Bis zu 20 Prozent Rabatt Top Baumschul-Qualität Riesige Auswahl mit über … Name: RHODODENDRON ‘Chionoides’ Common name(s): Chionides Rhododendron. It is compact, wide growing and vigorous. Venue Address . Join us at Overdevest Nurseries and let us show you this easy to grow, hardy and reliable rhododendron. Excellent informal hedge Rhododendron catawbiense 'Chionoides' Rhododendron. For every bud growing on a Chionoides Rhododendron, a dozen pure white flowers bloom in perfect unison! Shop by Size. Add to cart. MAP KEY: ACCESSION NUMBER: YEAR: LOCATION: 1: 1959-1537*A: … Upright, rounded habit. The compact, dense form is wider than tall, with an excellent even growth habit. Dwarf Rhododendrons 1m & under; Tall Hybrids; Shop by Price . Bewertungen lesen, schreiben und diskutieren... Kundenbewertungen für "Rhododendron Hybride 'Chionoides' / Rhododendron 'Chionoides'". Proof rhodo will handle harsh places-white flowers and yellow centre und analysiert werden this wide-growing, somewhat Rhododendron... Helfen unsere Webseite und das damit verbundene Nutzerverhalten zu optimieren to grow and has attractive narrow foliage Date. '... 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