chalwinii. © 2020. 28 : IPCN73-74 These offsets can be left to develop into a dense clump or pulled off and transplanted. Haworthia coarctata var. H. coarctata has many striking forms and, possibly because of vegetative reproduction, populations tend to be very uniform. MLD Succulents. Haworthia coarctata Origin: South Africa Flower: White tubular flowers Description: Like many Haworthias, this species stays compact with small clusters or … H. coarctata is stem forming species. coarctata, if not for the provenance and, may be, for the firmer leaves, each about 12-25 mm long and 5-20 mm broad at the base. Luis Borja has uploaded 2533 photos to Flickr. Distribution: originally collected at Grahamstown (not Adelaide). adelaidensis (Bayer): Green foliage covered in raised white dots.This variety is slow-growing, but will eventually become a stacked tower of leaves about 6.0" tall. Inflorescence (racemes): Up to 30 cm tall, usually unbranched, few-flowered. chalwinii. Haworthiopsis coarctata var. Haworthiopsis coarctata is a prolific propagator, growing many offsets. greenii, Haworthia greenii, Haworthia peacockii, Haworthia reinwardtii var. Haworthia coarctata cv. Growth Habits: Forms clumps of rosettes up to 5in (12 cms.) Wet soil quickly causes root and stem rot, especially during chilly winter months. It is a small plant which grows many upright leaf-clad stems radiating from an offsetting base, rather than flattened rosettes. They are particularly easy to grow and rarely affected by common succulent pests and diseases. Origin and Habitat: Graaff-Reinet in the vicinity of the Kowie River, Eastern Cape, South Africa, Description: Haworthia coarctata v chalwinii is one of the morphological or geographical form of the coarctata group. chalwinii Haw. A Haworthiopsis coarctata eredeti előfordulási területe a Dél-afrikai Köztársaságbeli Kelet-Fokföld (Eastern Cape).Manapság sikeresen betelepítették Mexikóba is. Donate now to support the LLIFLE projects. Explore Leo_González_Suculentia_Nursery's photos on Flickr. Hardiness: Although the plant will survive mild frost if kept dry (hardy as low as -5° C) it should be protected from severe cold and prolonged frost conditions. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Haworthia (family Xanthorrhoeaceae ). chalwinii (Smith): Green foliage dotted with white bumps.It grows slowly into stacked towers of leaves and can eventually reach over 6.0" tall. 200112) 1) Doreen Court “Succulent Flora of Southern Africa” CRC Press, 01/Jun/2000. Fertilization: The plants are fertilized only once during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer diluted to ½ the recommended strength. Haworthia reinwardtii var. This means that, unlike other succulents, it is important not to over-water or fertilize during summer dormancy and water a bit more frequently in the winter growing season. Accepted Scientific Name: Haworthia coarctata Haw.Philos. Synonym: Haworthia chalwini, Haworthia chalwinii Family: Asphodelaceae adelaidensis, /Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Aloaceae/17131/Haworthia_coarctata_f._chalwinii. Low maintenance. Red-purple hues may appear over time. Haworthia coarctata chalwinii. The leaves are seemingly arranged in many spiral rows around the stem.Leaves: About 25 mm long cm long, triangular-lanceolate, tips incurved, shining green, turning red in full-sun with greenish white slightly raised, rounded tubercles in longitudinal or sometimes transverse rows; density of tubercles very variable. Haworthia coarctata var. chalwinii (Marloth & A. Berger) Resende: Haworthia coarctata Haw. The flowers are white tubular.Blooming season: Spring to summer.Chromosome number: 2n=28 (It is also known an aneuploid variant with 2n=26. huntsdriftensis, Haworthiopsis coarctata var. Familia: Asphodelaceae Subfamilia: Asphodeloideae Genus: Haworthiopsis Species: Haworthiopsis coarctata Varietas: H. c. var. Haworthiopsis coarctata var. Native to South Africa. A meleg éghajlatokon parkokban, a hűvösebb tájakon pedig botanikuskertekben és szobanövényként közkedvelt dísznövény.. Változatai, alakjai. Cite this page: "Haworthia coarctata f. chalwinii" Text available under a CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution License. Pick deep containers with drainage holes and a gritty, well-draining soil that is 50% to 70% mineral grit (coarse sand, pumice, or perlite). It is a small plant which grows many upright leaf-clad stems radiating from an offsetting base, rather than flattened rosettes. It is a winter grower and is dormant in the hottest summer months. Explore Luis Borja's photos on Flickr. Haworthia coarctata var. It grows slowly into stacked towers of leaves and can eventually reach over 6.0" tall. Előfordulása. Haworthiopsis coarctata, formerly Haworthia coarctata, is a species of flowering succulent plant from the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa and naturalized in Mexico.It is one of the species of Haworthiopsis that is commonly cultivated as an ornamental. seed ex CG 93-116: BH0101: Haworthia: wittebergensis adelaidensis 4-inch pots; Haworthia coarctata var. Great form. Sale price $14.50 Regular price $15.00. adelaidensis (Poelln.) coarctata fa. Distribution: Howieson's Poort. chalwinii: see it and grow it Oct 31, 2019 - Green foliage covered in white markings and red tips. The leaves are dotted with white, slightly raised, tubercles. Distribution: Harvestvale on the Bushmans River. : has rosettes half the diameter of var. You can grow a plant in a 10-15 cm pot for years and have perfectly happy plants. Red-purple hues may appear over time. 25: 381-399. ! Needs good drainage. It can also be propagated by seeds and leaves. chalwinii. Multicolor rosettes from the same clone. : is a smaller element with rosette up to 13 cm tall with narrow leaves. The density of leaf arrangement and tubercle pattern are a little different in each population. Sent without soil Individual Location for Haworthia coarctata var. M-F | 7-4 Pacific. It forms dense clusters and often grows in full exposed situations. Haworthia coarctata var. 1971. Haworthia coarctata var. Low ambient humidity is always needed. Haworthia coarctata f. chalwinii (Marloth & A.Berger) Pilbeam; Haworthia coarctata f. conspicua (Poelln.) Haworthia coarctata var. How to Propagate Haworthiopsis coarctata. M.B.Bayer: is a smaller element with rosette up to 13 cm tall with narrow leaves. :…” Needs good drainage. Needs good drainage. With some sun exposure the leaf develops a nice reddish tint and remains compact. in Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Monocotyledons.” Springer, Berlin. Haworthia are able to tolerate low, indoor light, making them excellent houseplants, even for beginners. A non-acid soil is ideal. Haworthia reinwardtii var. It is also a good houseplant, and can be an excellent subject for the beginning succulentophile (they can grow easily on window sills, verandas and in miniature succulent gardens where they are happy to share their habitat with other smaller succulent plants, or in outdoor rockeries). Sale price $14.50 Regular price $15.00. pseudocoarctata, Haworthia reinwardtii var. Distribution: originally collected at Grahamstown (not Adelaide). Care must be given in watering, keeping them warm and wet while growing, and cooler and dry when dormant. Haworthia coarctata ssp. This genus tolerates high heat by slowing down and eventually going dormant in the peak of summer. Haworthia reinwardtii var. kraussii Resende Haworthia coarctatoides Resende & Viveiros Haworthia fallax Poelln. Haworthia coarctata var. Water deeply enough for water to run out the drainage hole and allow the soil to completely dry before watering again. Scientific Name: Haworthia Duval. Low maintenance. coarctata fa. All Rights Reserved. Herbarium Catalogue (1 records) Date Reference Identified As Barcode Apr 23, 2018 - 3,513 Likes, 21 Comments - Plants, plants... #Plantcetera (@plantcetera) on Instagram: “Name: Haworthia reinwardtii var. 66: 301 1824 . Pilbeam; Haworthia coarctata f. ... Haworthiopsis coarctata var. Remarks: Haworthias are best planted in a shaded and airy part of the greenhouse, and not too close to the glass roof or sides of the house as the plants can overheat during hot spells.Propagation: Haworthia are easily propagated by the removal of offshoots in spring or summer. coarctata fa. It has a more narrow rosette and shorter leaves than the species, and it can flush wine red in response to summer sun and drought. Haworthiopsis coarctata, formerly known as Haworthia coarctata, is a succulent plant that grows in large clumps in its natural habitat. or make 4 interest-free payments of $3.63 AUD fortnightly with More info. ), Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Haworthia coarctata group, Bibliography: Major references and further lectures1) Debra Lee Baldwin “Succulent Container Gardens: Design Eye-Catching Displays with 350 Easy-Care Plants” Timber Press, 20/gen/20102) John Robert Brown “Unusual Plants: 110 Spectacular Photographs of Succulents” Abbey Garden Press, 19543) Rudolf Marloth “The flora of South Africa: with synopical tables of the genera of the higher plants” Volume 4 Darter bros. & co., 19154) Gordon D. Rowley “The illustrated encyclopedia of succulents” Crown Publishers, 01/Aug/19785) Urs Eggli “Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Monocotyledons” Springer, 20016) Charles L. Scott “The genus Haworthia (Liliaceae): a taxonomic revision” Aloe Books, 19857) Stuart Max Walters “The European Garden Flora: Pteridophyta, Gymbospermae, Angiospermae-Monocotyledons” Cambridge University Press, 19848) M. B. Bayer “The new Haworthia handbook” National Botanic Gardens of South Africa, 19829) John Pilbeam “Haworthia and Astroloba: A Collector's Guide” B. T. Batsford Limited, 198310) Bruce Bayer “Haworthia revisited: a revision of the genus” Umdaus Press, 199911) Bayer, M.B and van Jaarsveld, E. ”Haworthia. chalwinii (Smith): Green foliage dotted with white bumps. Haworthia coarctata. ©2013-2020 LLIFLE - Encyclopedia of living forms. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 5-inch pot coarctata is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of an infraspecific taxon in the genus Haworthia (family Asparagaceae ). Haworthia / Haworthiopsis coarctata var. Haworthiopsis coarctata will produce small offsets, sprouting up around the base of the plant. Chem. Cultivation and Propagation: Haworthia coarctata f. chalwinii is a proliferous species of easy cultivation and relatively low maintenance, forming clumps in nature. Low maintenance. Haworthia coarctata var. (Lower 48 States). haworthii Resende Haworthia coarctata var. For best results, use a shallow pot. Click here for more shipping and ordering info. It grows easily in low light, but exposure to bright sun brings out a bronze to eggplant coloration. Slow growing, but will eventually reach well over 6 inches tall. beukmannii: NETHERCOURT. : is a smooth form. coarctata Name []. chalwinii. Jun 5, 2019 - Haworthia coarctata f. chalwinii. Growth rate: Haworthia coarctata are relatively slow-growing plants that offsets freely to form small clusters whit time.Soil: They are tolerant of a wide range of soils and habitats, but prefer a very porous potting mix to increase drainage. Adelaidensis Haw. If they are not, fungicides won't help all that much. adelaidensis (riebeeckensis) 3-inch pot; Haworthia coarctata var. Leo_González_Suculentia_Nursery has uploaded 1832 photos to Flickr. Rot: Rot is only a minor problem with Haworthia if the plants are watered and “aired” correctly. H. coarctata occurs from Port Elizabeth in the west to Great Fish River in the east. Great indoor plant. coarctata JDV97/76 Belmont, east of Grahamstown. Mar 29, 2020 - Green foliage covered in white markings and red tips. coarctata: leaves pressed together. coarctata JDV90/46 Howiesonspoort. Haworthia coarctata: popis, kultivary, návody na pěstování a množení a prodej. Great indoor plant. chalwinii Scientific Name: Haworthia coarctata var. Picssr is a new & refreshing way to browse Flickr photos! It grows up to 8 … Red-purple hues may appear over time. Haworthia are slow growers and tend to stay small in pots, but they will produce new offsets in clumps around their bases. The plant is not a particularly fast grower, but given the correct growing conditions is one of the more beautiful Haworthia, of which there are many. Haworthiopsis coarctata var. 66: 301 1824. Haworthia coarctata chalwinii. greenii: Description Kew Bull. Haworthia coarctata Haw. Oct 31, 2019 - Green foliage covered in white markings and red tips. During the winter months, water only when the soil becomes completely dry. coarctata up to 45 cm tall trailing and rooting where they touch the soil. 14 : IPCN67-71: BRANDHAM, P.E. Nursery Availability committeesensis, Haworthia reinwardtii var. Its leaf colour can vary from green to reddish brown dependant upon the amount of light it receives.Habit: This is a small evergreen tall rosette-succulent and forms dense clusters.Rosette: Columnar, tight, 5-20 cm tall, and about 4 cm in diameter, offsetting from the base. It has long stems packed with fleshy leaves. Its interest lies in its ability to change colour: in cooler weather the plant blush bronze-red. coarctata Haworthia coarctata var. The record derives from WCSP which reports it as an accepted name (record 312570 ) with original publication details: Unknown . 877-656-4035
Slow growing, but will eventually reach well over 6 inches tall. (Asphodelaceae) coarctata Haw. Quantity Add to Cart. Free shipping on orders over $59! In cultivation it needs more sunny position to show its beauty. Mountain Crest Gardens. Haworthia coarctata var. It is not readily distinguishable from Haworthia coarctata var. Exposition: The plant needs little bit more exposed situation to let plants grow compactly. Haworthia coarctata f. chalwinii (Marloth & A.Berger) Pilbeam: (= H. coarctata v. coarctata) has small and firmer leaves. Deze plant heeft een hoofdstam en 4 mooie dikke pups. chalwinii (Marloth & A. Berger) Resende: Haworthia coarctata Haw. They can also be grown from seed. adelaidensis 3-inch pots; Haworthia coarctata var. Big Joe. Description: Haworthia coarctata v chalwinii is one of the morphological or geographical form of the coarctata group. J. The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on 2012-03-26 ) which reports it as an accepted name (record 277053 ) with original publication details: Philos. Haworthia coarctata Haw. coarctata appears in other Kew resources: IPNI - The International Plant Names Index. Watering: During the hot summer months, the soil should be kept moist but not overly wet. diameter of dark green fleshy leaves that are tightly packed, with attractive white tubercule markings. Large older plant. Strong, drought-tolerant roots will grow if they have great drainage and infrequent water. Haworthia Ongebruikelijke Haworthia die een fascinerende groeivorm heeft en mooie markeringen. Mag. Mag. Haworthia coarctata var. Shown in a 10cm pot. Ann. Aug 22, 2016 - Browse this user's recent Flickr photos in large square format. Sale. Haworthia zijn een goede keuze als u op zoek bent naar een eenvoudige sappige die niet nodig is de hogere lichtniveaus vereist door een aantal andere Slow growing, but will eventually reach well over 6 inches tall. It is not readily distinguishable from Haworthia coarctata var. Haworthia … (Succulent) adelaidensis (Poelln.) No water should ever be allowed to stand around the roots. Distribution: farms around Grahamstown. coarctata f.chalwinii: (To display plant details, click the number in the table.) Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Great indoor plant. Synonyms: Haworthia coarctata var. coarctata fa. Sign up to receive exclusive coupons and product updates. Chromosomes of the Liliaceae II, Polyploidy and karyotype variation in the Aloineae. Haworthia coarctata var. : forms columnar rosettes up to 20 cm tall dotted with white, slightly raised tubercles and forms dense clusters. Often in huge mats with individual stems to 30cm. Haworthia Coarctata Chalwinii Succulent . Offsets. 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Coarctata appears in other Kew resources: IPNI - the International plant Names Index no water should ever be to... White tubular.Blooming season: Spring to summer.Chromosome number: 2n=28 ( it is not readily distinguishable from Haworthia coarctata chalwinii. Easy cultivation and Propagation: Haworthia coarctata f.... Haworthiopsis coarctata eredeti előfordulási területe a Dél-afrikai Köztársaságbeli Kelet-Fokföld Eastern., 2020 - Green foliage dotted with white, slightly raised tubercles and forms dense and. Water only when the soil becomes completely dry relatively low maintenance, forming clumps in nature, 2019 Green. This genus tolerates high heat by slowing down and eventually going dormant in the Haworthia... Date Reference Identified as Barcode Haworthia coarctata var plants: Monocotyledons. ” Springer Berlin... 22, 2016 - Browse this user 's recent Flickr photos haworthia coarctata var chalwinii large format..., rather than flattened rosettes small plant which grows many upright leaf-clad stems radiating from an base. Dry when dormant season: Spring to summer.Chromosome number: genus::... 5-Inch pot Haworthia coarctata var coarctata eredeti előfordulási területe a Dél-afrikai Köztársaságbeli (! Stand around the roots, few-flowered 45 cm tall with haworthia coarctata var chalwinii leaves small. When the soil to completely dry before watering again little bit more exposed situation to let plants grow compactly:... Density of leaf arrangement and tubercle pattern are a little different in each population and. 'S photos on Flickr Propagation: Haworthia: wittebergensis Előfordulása... Haworthiopsis coarctata eredeti területe... 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